
Fringe Event Partner

We are delighted to have Small99  host their Fringe Event: “Leeds – People, Planet, Pint: Sustainability Meetup” during Yorkshire Sustainability Week.


Our Mission is: To guide 1 Million Micro Businesses to Net Zero by 2025

99% of businesses in the UK are small and existing guidance isn’t accessible for them to take action.

Small business owners are too busy to be able to research everything about carbon emissions and sustainability. We’re here to make decisions simple, provide a clear path and make your journey to net zero as short and painless as possible.

While larger organisations chase after the 1% to make changes, we are here to advise you, the small99, on how you can make an impact today. So, please join me on this journey as we transform the carbon output of the UK’s economy, one small business at a time.


Visit our website here


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