Our ESG Policy
We are putting our money, where our mouth is

Our Pledge to Environmental, Social and Governance
We recognise that the industry we thrive in has a lot of carbon to offset to become carbon neutral. That’s why The Sustainability Community has pledged to enact the following ESG Policy. This pledge ensures that our operations are environmentally sustainable, socially responsible, and governed with integrity.
1. We are committed to minimising our environmental impact by:
- Reducing our carbon wherever possible and where not possible we will be tracking and offsetting this.
- Tracking and offsetting the carbon emissions associated with delegates attending our core events.
- Using only recyclable marketing materials and keeping print to a bare minimum.
- Minimising waste generation and disposing of it in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Sourcing raw materials and products from suppliers with strong environmental policies.
- Our events will be vegan led, working with local suppliers and food vendors.
2. We are committed to respecting the human rights of our employees and communities where we operate by:
- Providing a safe and healthy workplace.
- Ensuring fair labour practices, including prohibiting child labour and forced labour.
- Respecting the diversity and inclusion of our workforce.
- Engaging in philanthropic activities that benefit the communities where we operate.
- We will track our progress in improving social conditions and report on it annually.
- Keeping 20% of our tickets for our core events back for our ‘pay it forward’ scheme which helps to make our events accessible.
3. We are committed to conducting our business with the highest standards of integrity by:
- Maintaining an ethical culture that values honesty, transparency, and accountability.
- Complying with all applicable laws and regulations.
Overall, our ESG policy reflects our commitment to creating long-term sustainable value for our stakeholders by balancing environmental, social, and governance considerations in all aspects of our business.
Want to ask us more? Email us at enquiries@thesustainabilitycommunity.com