Green Arcana
Fringe Partner

Green Arcana’s goal is to enable and encourage people to have a deeper connection to nature and community.
Working with your hands to craft useful and beautiful items from natural, locally sourced materials is a lovely practice in being present with and appreciative of everything mother nature provides. These ancient crafts are very beginner friendly and will give you foundational skills, upon which you can build. Leave the event feeling connected to your ancestors through the recreation of the very methods they would have used to make their light and string.
Cece, the founder of Green Arcana, will begin by demonstrating the process for each craft, emphasising mindfulness with the fine motor skills you will be applying. You will then be given the opportunity to give it a go yourself. Cece will also teach you some facts about each craft and the materials as you go.
Please note that this event follows on from Where the Mind Grows- Wild Work Spaces, and is followed by Make it Wild- Natural Mindfulness Walk, at the same lovely venue. It can be booked with those or independently.